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Global Business 101

The old saying abounds “it’s a small planet.” It’s true in terms of your access to information across the globe and your connections to important decision makers and business leaders from all over the globe. This is especially evident in … Read More

How to Launch a Cryptocurrency Startup

A cryptocurrency startup is an organization which is built on blockchain. The blockchain is a decentralized, immutable ledger. This type of platform permits for secure data transmission and networking. It also allows you to avoid the high costs that financial … Read More

Board Room Internet Marketing

Board room internet marketing is a great way for managers and business owners to advertise their business. This helps them establish connections with investors as well as customers, which is essential in today’s competitive market. It also aids them in … Read More

The Best Lego Designs

Legos are toys, but they also inspire amazing creations. LEGO artists make use of the tiny plastic bricks to build everything from architecture to robots. Even the company’s engineers create new elements that enable builders to construct more complicated models. … Read More